Week 14-webcomics -Megg and Mogg(10 pts.)

 I've somewhat dabbled into the world of webcomics. In my case that was mainly through certain artists through social media I follow. I follow several accounts that specialize it it, like @Abbycomics and @suprdee2 on Instagram. So when approaching this witch comic, i wasn't sure what to expect going in. What I ended up reading were several segmented stories that are very... strange to say the least. These comics involve around a witch and her band of creature friends who go on several misadventures. These stories are often very crass, vulgar and even graphic at times. Certain aspects like these did remind me of the underground comics. Many of the friends swear, smoke, steal, and get into all kinds of trouble.

The Owl gets mistreated by his friends several others, and I'm personally not a fan of seeing these types of toxic relationships in stories. He gets treated like a pushover just for wanting to stay safe and not wanting to partake in his friends rambunctious activities. His wolf friend even calls him a wimp while telling him to "lighten up." 

This comic was also not afraid of showing certain things.I'm personally not a fan of media that contains characters who are vulgar and crass. I'm also not a fan of the inappropriate imagery. But I'm sure that these stories had their purpose, and that they were made with thought and passion.

The art style is very loose. It looks like it was colored in with watercolors, while being outlined in ink. I also noticed that the wolf character's head is constantly at a profile view, not matter how many times his body moves around.


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