Week 13- The Killing Joke (2 pts.)
For a few years, I've heard bits and pieces about the Killing Joke. I've heard that its a dark, yet impactful Joker-related story that is one of the most popular in the Batman series. I also heard it got a movie adaptation that stuck way too close to the original story with its shots and dialogue. Despite being a casual fan of Batman through The Animated Series, I've been hesitant to check this story out, mainly because I was worried that this story would be too gruesome, grim and creepy for my taste. While certain elements like that still remained, I was still able to read through it just fine and ended up appreciating and enjoying it it in the end. I was really interested to learn one of the many possible backstories the Joker has.
1. Strangely enough, I was and wasn't shocked at the same time. I knew going in that this would be brutal and chilling, considering this is about the Joker, but I wasn't sure how I was definitely disturbed in some areas for sure, thanks to its creepy and violent imagery.
2. One thing I was able to connect with in some way was in the flashback that past Joker had with his wife somewhere near the beginning. In that scene, he was lashing out at his wife due to stress as he struggles to make money. He then breaks down and apologizes to her, and feels she doesn't deserve him. I mainly connected to the feeling of stress he had, and occasional feeling of self doubt. I often times get anxious when I don't know how to cope with difficult times.
3. I'm really unsure. I feel like any major changes would lessen the impact of the story. But, if i were to make any sort of change, I would maybe change the imagery of the creepy henchman that carry Gordon, along with the imagery that he sees inside the ride.
4. It definitely provides its readers with a inside look on one of its main villains. It almost in a way becomes his story as we learn about his past and his ideology, and how it conflicts with Batman's, despite both of their personas originating due to tragic events.
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